Race Management Training
Race Management Training at BSC 2020
As advertised in the Club Handbook, Saturday 21 st March has been set aside for
Race Management Training. The sessions will be led by Dave Ellis and Doug
Spooner, RYA Race Officers. Please read on to see what aspects of the day may be
of interest to you.
Morning session 10.00 – 12.00 in the Club lounge
This session is for Club members who would like to help with the Timekeeping and
Recording aspects of Race Management during regular Club racing. It will be
suitable for members who have helped with these duties before but would like a
refresher before the season starts as well as new members interested in finding out
what is involved. Members who attended the Club Race Officer course last year, or
in previous years, may also fine the content useful. The session will concentrate on
the timing of races and the use of the electronic race timer, recording lap times and
the final results and an introduction to the process of inputting and publishing the
results using HalSail, our on-line results system.
Please e-mail Doug so ideas of numbers are known:
Afternoon session 14.00 – 16.00 in the Club lounge
This is a follow up to previous Club Race Officer training and will consist of a
workshop concentrating on the running of races from a fixed Club Line. This will be
supported by the RYA Club Race Officer presentation, but the main emphasis being
Club Line starts. We will look at the effects of tide and wind direction on the choice
of start direction and course format. This session has also been advertised around
all the East Kent Clubs and as every club has its own issues the sharing of ideas and
experiences will help all.
Please e-mail Dave so ideas of numbers are known: